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Portrait photo of a young girl looking curiously and mischievously at the viewer

Curiosity in relationships

This is about the attitude we adopt in relationships. Attitudes divide or unite, harden fronts or can resolve conflicts.

Vulnerability in relationships

The sculpture by Ukrainian artist Alexander Milov depicts two people who, on the one hand, are completely turned away from each other, but whose “inner child” is actually seeking contact.

Foto der Skulptur des ukrainischen Künstlers Alexander Milov. Sie stellt zwei Menschen dar, die auf der einen Seite einander völlig abgewandt sind, deren „inneres Kind“ aber eigentlich den Kontakt sucht
Illustration of several human figures holding hands. The word “Together” is written above them.

Two churches became one

In summer 2014, an extraordinary celebration was held in the parish hall of the Church of Christ on Laimer Platz: Two congregations became one. This event seemed unthinkable for decades. The union of a “Church of Christ” with an “International Church of Christ” in Munich attracted worldwide attention.

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