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Who we are

The Church of Christ at Laimer Platz in Munich has existed for over sixty years. People from Munich and the surrounding area have found their spiritual home here. We experience what a great enrichment it is to live and share faith together with other Christians.

As a free congregation, we are independent of the state and therefore do not finance ourselves through church taxes, but through voluntary donations. Although we maintain friendly relations with other congregations and cooperate in projects, we are independent and do not belong to any superior organization.

We are people of different ages, from different countries, with different professions, different hobbies...

...but what we all have in common and what makes up our community is a personal faith in Jesus Christ; in him we have found the way for our lives. Since Jesus was in the world, there have always been people who gave up their values in order to let Jesus shape their lives completely. These people are called Christians.

(Acts 11:26)

It is our concern to live as Jesus teaches. That is why it is very important for us to know the Bible and to consistently apply what we understand in our lives, so that we are not torn to and fro by the opinions of others or our own emotional fluctuations in the superficiality of our times.


Worship, prayer, praise and Bible study are therefore a fundamental part of our lives.

What we believe

The following Creed is an attempt to present the core statements of our faith. We are aware of comparable attempts by others in the past (the Apostolicum, the Nicaenum, Luther's Catechism, and others). Some of the following statements are inspired by or taken directly from these.

We believe in God, the Creator of heaven and earth, a God of love, grace, compassion, mercy, and justice.

We believe in Jesus as God in the flesh, who was crucified, died and was buried, and who rose again on the third day.

We believe in salvation by grace, through faith in the power of God. We believe in baptism for the forgiveness of sins and for admission into the Body of Christ through the Holy Spirit, who works as a Helper in believers.

We expect the resurrection of the dead, and hope for eternal life.

We believe in the Bible as God's inspired Word, which we accept as authority in our lives and which will judge us on the last day.

We believe that Jesus lived a life without sin, even though he was tempted like us, and so he was able to carry the sin that separates man from God on the cross.

We believe that it is God's supreme commandment and desire that we love Him with all our heart and soul, with all our mind and strength, and that we love our fellow man as ourselves.

We are aware that some believers do not agree with all this.


We do not want to judge anyone, knowing that we ourselves often err, and that Jesus is the judge of the living and the dead.

We believe in Jesus, God's only begotten Son. He is the way, the truth and the life.

We believe that all people are in need of grace, and that God calls all people to repent, accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and follow Him as His disciples.

We believe that God wants all people to be saved, and that He wants us to preach the Gospel to the whole world.

Let us strive to seek biblical truths together in humility and meekness, and to seek a lifestyle worthy of following our Lord.

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